Income Potential And So Much More
Income potential was not what I had in mind when I first started this web site.(
My purpose of building this site was to create a site where I could pass along information about my experiences in building my own home, and maybe someone else would get some benefit from what I had to offer.
Well to date this has exceeded my expectations. There has been visitors from over forty different country s. WOW! And the visitors are growing every day.
My site has been on the web now for eight month and is starting to grow fast.It's income potential is becoming evident. But I have to be honest..I can't take the full credit for this success.
Let me take you back to when I first decided to build a web site. Well..I had no idea how to go about it So I started searching on the internet for information on how to build a web site. Believe me when I say there is no lack of information out there on how to build a web site.
Some are looking to make a fast buck and some are good sites but assumed I had some knowledge of building a web site or new html codes..heck at that time I did,t even know what html codes were.
Some sites would help you build your site but what about the next step..I have learned there is a lot more to building a web site than building pages and up loading them to the internet.
I knew if I was going to build a web site.. I ether had to take a course on web design or find someone who could take me by the hand and show me the way.
In my searching I ran across a site called Site Build It and while going through their information I discovered sites that they had helped to become very successful. Some sites were earning a few dollars a month and others had quit their jobs and were working at their web site full time.
When I did a Google search on these sites I found them to be real sites ...not made up ones.
Since I have been involved with SBI I have found them to be people of their word..what ever they say they will back it up with proof.
When I first started with SBI I knew literally nothing about building a web site and my computer skills were limited to emails and some web searching ability's. I could not type..and my spelling left a lot to be desired ..and I serenely could not write. I am not saying SBI can make you a better speller (spell check helps there) or a better typist (just practice ) but they will show you how to do the rest .And the support you get from other SBIers is priceless. So when I say I can,t take full credit you,ll understand what I mean.
If you are interested in building your own web site.. maybe to make a few dollars extra or maybe you want to make it your full time job.. (everyone has a different reason)..what ever the reason ,you owe it to your self to check out SBI and see what others have accomplished. Their success rate is very high.
I can not begin to tell you of all the tools and benefits SBI has placed at my disposal that have put me on the right track.
I am safe in saying if I had not decided to get help from SBI I would not be on the web to day and if I was I am sure I would be struggling with being found by one Country let alone over forty.I know that this is just a start to what is thank you SBI.
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